Thursday, October 3, 2019

Finished Foal!

Little Pepys is finished as a chestnut Miniature Horse Foal inspired by this live counterpart.  Adorable but not yet named, I have yet to decide if I will attempt that halter and the darn rain has not been helping me get good photos.  Still, here is the sweet baby with teddy bear:

What gets your vote - halter or none?  Name ideas?  Filly or Colt?  Decisions, decisions!


  1. That is adorable. I like the halter -- it kind of sets the foal off from the teddy. Actually, Teddy might be a good name: works for a filly or a colt.

  2. I'd try the halter and see how it looks and then decide. Love the name Teddy.

  3. At that age, I don't think gender is much of an issue. The name Fuzzy is nicely neutral and certainly fits. And if you can make a detailed halter in that scale, my hat's off to you, (but not in rain).
