Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Not a Clinky Collector

In GENERAL, I am trying not to be a collector of chinas, porcelains, and other breakable scale model animals, but who am I kidding?  I make exceptions.  I have only retained a few larger scale pieces and some minis in both dogs and horses, and I admire the beautiful pieces others curate.

This was a rescue Japan, and I liked the details of the rider and greenish mane and tail!  There are holes from hands to bit for reins.  After giving it a gentle bath, I studied it and wondered what its history was to remain in such nice shape.  About 4” tall, it’s a nice piece worth retaining.

But I don’t collect clinkies, right?!? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Don't we all make those exceptions! (Says she who does not collect dogs yet has quite a collection of them...) :D
