Sunday, November 17, 2019

What Condition my condition is in

Yeah, yeah, ohh yeah...(a little ode to oldies music!)

Weather pressure and sensitivities also affect and/it can trigger migraine and flare up of the body pain of fibromyalgia.  For the most part, the migraines are as controlled as possible and more treatable (prevention/abortives), but there is precious little to be done about weather or hormonal changes.  Some things are just out of our control.


My migraines have changed over time and I hope are improving.  Body pain and fatigue unfortunately are not, and can prevent me from being as productive as I’d like.  This graphic doesn’t really address the non-joint issues of deep pain, sensory sensitivity (touch, light, sound), or exhaustion that I periodically suffer.  Some days are better than others (that is a U2 lyric!).  Exacerbation time varies, but a flare up can last for days and makes daily life and planning difficult!

I’ve managed to stave off migraine but really ran around too much yesterday.  Cold and rain aren’t my friends, and I hope for some improvement.  None of this is to whine, but rather to explain why sometimes “I Can’t Even”.  I am the type of person who does not like to make excuses, not be limited, and not be down for long.  It’s been tough to accept that sometimes the very real reasons I struggle have to be acknowledged in order to Do What I Can!


  1. Chronic pain is no fun and so sorry you are having issues right now. Sending you gentle hugs from afar!
