Thursday, November 14, 2019

On Monthly Challenges/Projects

This month is known as NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month.  Kudos to you folks out there increasing word counts like mad!  I am sitting this one out.  I love how Monthly challenges can inspire and keep us on track with support - everything from Inktober to NaMoPaiMo and others.

Perhaps I will plan 2020 for various hobby months!  Besides February NaMoPaiMo, we can easily claim dedicated time for different projects.  It is what inspired me to begin this blog in all fairness, and nearly every day since has included *something*.  I may cut back in the new year...

This year has been good...several shows, live and photo, completion of multiple customs and resins, sculpting, painting, and photography.  Lots of planning and dreaming.  Ideas for projects, starts on some, and accumulation of materials, supplies, and proppage for others.

Looking ahead, I think of *at least* a dozen model projects that could utilize months.
The obvious start-to-finish painting of a model.  Preferably a Trad. resin or CM.
A tack piece
Work on a doll-in-progress
Build a prop
A fantasy piece - I have ideas for a steampunk guy
Okay, I’m already at 7 of the 12 months and haven’t even got into the showing and photography realms, let alone customizing and sculpting, maybe also flatwork!  Vintage CM style has a month.  I need dedicated time for hobby research, documentation, and organization!
I also
Want to designate a Fall/Winter month (November or December are great even if busy) for Prepapalooza.

I have plenty of bodies and nekkid medallions needing some attention...

It could be easy to overdo it.  I will start with perhaps scheduling every -other- month so that I can be successful and productive.

What “months” do you want to commit to?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I commented then realized you'd covered that, yay for reading comprehension on my part.
