Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Fruits of Our Labor...

As artists, we often get wrapped up in the prep and process of a piece that we forget to reflect on the beauty of our creations!  Have you ever taken a look back at how far you have come?

NaMoPaiMo discussion online has addressed the topic of juxtaposing beginning work to current work, which can be a valuable tool.  Everybody was a beginner once, and hopefully we can see and appreciate differences as we improve.  While I don’t have handy pics of early model painting attempts, (and there are some gloppy ponies, let me tell ya!) I do have a couple images of flatwork (pastel, acrylic, colored pencil) and big fruit to share!
Turns out it is generally True that putting in hard work and detail pays off in sweet amazIng results, whether it’s a model, art, produce, writing, music, cooking...even cheese!

How about you?  Are you able to relish past works and your journey as an artist?
Will we grow beautiful ponehs during NaMoPaiMo?

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