Monday, March 18, 2019

“Blast From the Past”

Taking a walk down memory lane in any hobby or interest shines a light on the changes (good and bad!) that have happened over the years.  I remember studying my bi-monthly JAH that would feature a (then!) vintage mold and its history.  I will always have a soft spot for old Hess Molds!

I may not collect as much OF these days, but I can still salute some of the pieces of history.  My collection retains older minis and a few others, but some have moved on, like these twin Hong Kong pony foals that were once part of my “carpet herd”...


Always liked the old. Clydesdales and played with a blanketed Mare and Foal set received after visiting the doctor in the early 80’s.  Had this lovely chalky guy and a nicely shaded guy with eyewhites and gold bobs.  Both went to collector homes where they are loved and appreciated.  Only my Charcoal Mare remains, perhaps a Foal body...

I will be sure to visit various older Breyers and such here from time to time.  Have a great week everyone!

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