Friday, March 1, 2019

(Ponies &) Tiny Terrariums

First off, PHIL received his amazing padded nameplate halter by Abbey Carlson, so here is his glamour shot!  I also meant to picture my completed Fjord Medallion.  I managed to blog daily and also completed several other minis (mostly donation pieces).  Looking ahead to more projects!

Fairy Gardens have become a very popular creative trend, and I admit I am not immune.
In childhood, I played outdoors *a lot* and had a rich imagination fueled by nature.
When I had turtles, I delighted in creating enclosures that would offer the best of habitat.  Scale modeling affords many hobbyists the opportunity to own animals (and other things) on a small scale whether we create, show, or display - miniature worlds give us satisfaction.  In a world where things are often out of our control, we can find that sense among little models.  For some it offers prestige or power, for some the thrill is in challenges and opportunities, and also peace and balance.

The calm and serene landscapes of a fairy garden or mini terrarium require thought, planning, and cultivation.  Live plants and water can bring it to life.  It can involve whimsy and magic.

Here are a few of my past little containers.  Gives me some tropical vibes despite the winter weather!
I also had some micros join the fun at times...    Enjoy!

Of course, micro mini horses and riders have been known to grace these as well!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I hope Phil's show name is Dr. Phil (maybe it's just me, but I think that would be adorable).
