Wednesday, July 10, 2019

“Breyer Sightings”/Albina Herron art

In our hobby we like to muse about sightings of our beloved horse-shaped-objects.  Someone will spot a Breyer in a shelf in a gas station.  Others will report on them and spotted in TV and Movies.  Locating them “in the wild” brings great satisfaction.  Perhaps it is because we see we aren’t alone, we’re not crazy, Breyers are a beloved mainstream toy.

As I study the art and miniature worlds, our 1:12 Classic series are prevalent for dollhouses.  A March 1993 issue of Nutshell News displays Fairies and such by botanical illustrator Albina Herron.
Check out this Renaissance rider aboard a golden Johar!

The Classic Quarter horse Mare Unicorn with her fairy princess

Models are prevalent in our culture in forms of transportation and vehicles.  Animals
And People have long been depicted as well, and from the world of toys to art//architecture and beyond, they serve us well.  As decor or hobby, they are ubiquitous.  Miniature world inside our own world seems to be universally accepted.

Breyerfest is beginning this week, and many of us travel to celebrate.  Breyer urges us to nominate our beloved toy for the Nat’l Toy Hall of Fame.

Show some love!  Where have you spotted Breyers outside the hobby?  Any bizarre stories?

1 comment:

  1. Those are really lovely! As for Breyer-spotting, I love the use of all the Breyer classics on the TV show American Housewife. I love how the kid plays with them too -- "Real Horsewives of Beverly Hills" just slays me.
