Sunday, July 7, 2019

Let’s discuss Invisible disabilities/illnesses

I have overwhelming pain sometimes.  Most folks have heard of fibromyalgia or Fibro and similar issues like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Other issues, like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, even Cancers are not always visible, nor are many neurological conditions, muscular issues, or developmental challenges.  Autism Spectrum Disorders span a wide variety of characteristics.  People suffer from Depression, Anxiety, attention and obsessive disorders.  Orthopedic pain is prevalent.  Gastrointestinal problems abound.  Just because someone doesn’t LOOK how one envisions a particular issue doesn’t mean they aren’t dealing with it.  Likewise, people who have a condition don’t always appear as people might think they would or expect them to.  BOTTOM LINE:  “Be kind.  Everyone is fighting a battle”.

I am aware that things that shouldn’t hurt me are at times incredibly sensitive.  I nearly dropped to my knees when a well-meaning Lady was excited and grabbed my arm.  I know she didn’t know that and I certainly wasn’t mad.  My physical response was visceral and perceived by my brain differently than one (and even I) would expect.  I have had to politely ask a couple regular “slappy” people to NOT do their usual whack on my back with a short explanation.  I think in general we all mean well and perhaps react to what we don’t know, don’t understand, or fear.

PLEASE - help everybody to understand these Invisible issues.  If people are aware of something outside their own experience and knowledge, they can become more understanding and thoughtful in terms of their expectations, behaviors, and words.  It starts with learning.  We can all relate to things like pain, discomfort, exhaustion, grief, loss, and illness.  When we begin to see how those things can be part of others’ worlds without outward signs, we can change our outlook.

Just my little PSA.  Now for a few pictures.  Let’s have a great week!

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