Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dapples and dreams...

First off, trying a new technique with pastels for dapples, lifting pigment off and then layering and sealing, using washes to lighten and darken.  It will take time to sharpen up details and mute harsher areas alternately, but I think the results will be worthwhile.  Background will be last and involve a little sparkle!

Dreams.  Thinking a great deal about both kinds - the hopes and plans and wishes and expectations kind...the kind where you desire to do or be something, for something you want in life.  Also the REM sleep kind where your imagination and thoughts and feelings and imagery all leap onto the playground equipment and interact.  Some bounce around some swing or climb or dodge.  Others cling to the merry-go-round while others spin it and still others fly off...

I have a lot of location involvement in my dreams - altered realities of places I have known well throughout my life.  These permutations serve several functions, I suppose, but in general they are visual memories and experiences.  Some are vivid and others vague.  Nightmares once in awhile, but involved plots and sensations are frequent.  At times this is not restful, but I do enjoy recalling dreams and also sometimes having direction in them.

The hoping/dreaming plans change sometimes as well - both because of things that happen or don’t happen.  Direction can be influenced and controlled as we make decisions, behave and operate in life, and also due to circumstance and situation.  It’s a mixed bag, but acknowledging this has to be enough for now.


I did more washes and added starter background base.  Like the subtle dappling.  Perchance to dream!

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