Friday, May 10, 2019

Inspiration: Dressage

*disclaimer: interwebs photos!  Often discussion turns to rollkur and there is much variety out there as to what is correct, etc.  Not the scope of this simple post.

Dressage is the art of horsemanship and equitation and best viewed as a process, not a finished not product.  I view it much as I do my interest in canine sports - bringing out that bond and finding willing performance and balance...utilizing an animal’s capabilities in collection and extension, encouraging suppleness and genuine partnership.

As a competition sport, of course we see different views.  As an artist, I am observing the horse in training with respect to various movement...anatomy and frame.

In sculpture this may consider support and balance points in gaits - like the proper suspension and elevation seen at the trot, and also when extended and when collected...down to the passage and piaffe.


Bending and flexion can be studied here as the half-pass works, what a shoulder-in feels like.  Freeze frames we think of when it comes to the canter pirouette, levade, or in airs above the ground (capriole, courbette...) seem standard...there is much behind that moment and everything that goes into that image!  I miss how yielding *feels* under saddle, and how you can connect and sense the horse’s engagement and frame - also when they are collected under themselves and *using* their body.  Even a relaxed free walk or circles in working trot could teach about their movement.

Studying...and marveling at various artworks based on the living artwork we have from dressage!

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