Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Unidentified Furry Objects: HSO

My eye is trained to locate models and figurines of an equine or canine persuasion.  Scouting the thrift shops, garage sales, and flea markets requires constant watch for four-legged creatures.  Antique shops and other “out in the wild” locations host a myriad of animals - in all shapes, sizes, and materials.  Even objects that turn out to not really be what we thought or hoped have to be checked out, “just in case”. I can spot many from yards away, but others are discovered upon closer examination.  In the hobby we have termed certain items “Horse Shaped Objects”, or HSO’s.

Perhaps they aren’t detailed or realistic.  Heck, maybe they are welded onto an object.  Some lack faces or other features, but they at least resemble our beloved equines.  They may have odd structure, color, or texture, but dangit that’s a HORSE.

Some even capture our hearts and find their way into our collections and lives.

This one would look amazing hanging out in a succulent plant, dontcha think?

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