Thursday, June 20, 2019

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

So, the ghost of Breyerfest Present is that the theme is “Horse Heroes”.  To my mind, this meant everything from war horses to pony express to historically significant horses of bygone days.  Therapeutic riding horses. Fire horses.   “Heroes” of an era, like specific racehorses that were what America needed at the time...  Even horses like BlackJack or Sergeant Reckless or horses who saved lives...  The dependable school horse who taught countless kids to ride.  Everyday heroes.

Nope.  They took it the superhero direction.  Now perhaps this is more in referential names to comic book characters and has appeal to the latest greatest in pop culture.  It may or may not equate to brightly colored Marvel and DC characters.  Still, not what I expected...

I am simply not enthused by this theme.  Breyer has done everything from typical party themes to geographical celebration to the kinds of equine themes one would expect surrounding the vast topics and breeds available.  I think on the whole they have done well with it and try to cater to a wide variety of interests and disciplines within the real horse world.
Life saver

Folks are already speculating on 2020 as a vision/clarity/dream theme (and hoping for Clearware - transparent Breyers!).  Or as a tie-in with the Summer Olympics, an Asian cultural theme.  Either would be better than this!  Still, we have yet to see surprises...will the mystery shuffle horse be a Moody Andalusian wearing a cape as he charges in to save the day in a myriad of colors and both matte and glossy finishes?  We shall see...
Budweiser’s 9/11 commercial - an honorable tribute

I am regarding this year’s fest from a casual distance.  I do hope to get back to KY some year soon.  I enjoy the KHP and crazy hotel room shopping and events.  My last time there was Pre-Alltech Arena (it was being built for WEG).  I am sure much has changed!
Krypto, a SuperDog

Heroes really do come in all shapes and sizes.  I am proud to witness that every day.
Who are YOUR Heroes (Horse and otherwise?)?  What themes would YOU like to see for future BreyerFests?

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