Friday, June 14, 2019

Spotlights and Features

I know my blogging is kind of random, all over the place.  Some of it is topically off of Models and Animals and Art, but for the most part, I am focusing on hobby stuff.

There are SO many things I could cover.  I also am very much a visual person, so photos are high on my list.  I am thinking about assigning regular spotlights or features to keep me on task.  Many do focus spotlights on a particular mold or model.  Features on particular breeds or subjects are interesting.  I’m considering having different days of the week be different types of blog posts as some have done as well, but perhaps topically.

To categorize or to stay in chaos?  That is the question.

Yesterday was a VERY long day, and several hours in the dentist chair followed by a twelve hour shift doesn’t allow much hobby time let alone blogging fun.  I usually like to have several done ahead of time, but life and work happen.  I have found Blogging has kept me committed and fostered creative endeavors, so that has been beneficial.  I enjoy the communication and documentation and
am also using it as an outlet and exercise, so will continue to come up with content.

What might you like to see?  Art techniques?  Supply reviews?  Research?  Individual model details?
Time will tell.  I’m open to suggestions.

As for the eye candy, picking some random photos is always an option.  Here comes the weekend!!!

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