Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Etched n Stones

Okay, not Peter Stones, but the real deal!  Gems/minerals/rocks/fossils/stones have a beauty all their own.  The carving in jasper, jade, onyx, and quartz are nothing short of astonishing.

My little rescued ponies make fun plant accents, and I locally purchased the teeny tiny guy and his Spaniel friend on my birthday.  These are found in all shapes, sizes, colors, and critters.

Larger are about curio scale and the others more micro!

As for etching, well, I got the itch to etch as I get started on Spooky Swap!  Here’s some spots:

Hope everyone’s having a good week so far!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I have one of those stone horses too -- It's about Stablemate size but it's packed away somewhere. I know I have a stone donkey with panniers -- it's packed away too, though, probably in the same place.
