Saturday, February 23, 2019

Welcome, Weekend!

Well, this week didn’t exactly turn out as planned.  Sometimes we have to regroup and move forward.
I implore myself and other NaMo artists to buckle down come crunch time...

Sometimes making it through a week, a day, even an hour is the task at hand.
We have less than a week left.  Greet this opportunity as you would an old friend and make the best of it!  Take care of yourself and find whatever comfort it takes for you to enjoy some peace.
Being calm in the center of a hurricane is not always easy.  It takes great effort to plug away when things are buzzing, blowing up, even falling apart around you.  To then center and focus and get into a relaxed zone or enjoy a process is a feat in and of itself.  Zen.

Once a tiny potato had faith in us to complete our goals...this somehow morphed into a Fox potato.  We can do this!  KEEP GOING!

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